44118太阳成城集团经济学科起源于 1983年,2013 年 10 月独立设置44118太阳成城集团,现有经济学系、经济统计系、国际经济与贸易系、金融学系,建有大数据与统计分析实验室、国际商务与金融工程实验室,是首批江苏省统计科学研究基地、首批学校“信息文科”重点建设及考核优秀单位。 

 学院现有应用经济学一级学科硕士学位点,应用统计和国际商务两个硕士专业学位点,经济学、经济统计、国际经济与贸易、金融工程、金融科技 5 个本科专业,在校研究生、本科生共计 1000 余人。2022 年,学院经济学和经济统计学按照“经济学类”大类招生,一年级不分专业,二年级分专业培养,国际经济与贸易、金融工程、金融科技三个专业单独招生,其中金融工程专业另有一创新实验班。 

 学院现有教职员工 66 人,专任教师中高级职称人员占比 65%,博士学位人员占比57%;入选国家级人才项目4 人次,入选江苏省“333人才工程”、“六大人才高峰”和“青蓝工程”等省级人才项目 11 人次;“大数据与人口流动研究”团队为江苏高校哲学社会科学优秀创新团队。近年来,学院承担国家级和省部级科研课题 50 多项,在 SCI、CSSCI收录期刊发表高水平论文 100 多篇;《关于建立区域生态认证制度的研究报告》获江苏省第十五届哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖,多份决策咨询报告得到国务院办公厅、江苏省政府领导批示,被上级部门收录采纳。 


 学院高度重视学生就业工作,建有 1 个省级企业研究生工作站、20 个专业实践实习就业“三位一体”基地,毕业生受到各方青睐。2022 届毕业生克服疫情带来的不利影响,超过 35%进入国内外世界一流大学攻读研究生,或者在中国移动、电信、联通和华为、中兴、阿里、腾讯等世界知名电信与信息技术企业,以及银行、保险、证券等金融机构和政府部门、事业单位就业。持续保持本科生就业率 98%以上,研究生就业率 100%。


Introduction to the School of Economics 

The subject of economics at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications originated in 1983. The School of Economics was established independently in October 2013.We now have four teaching departments: the Department of Economics, the Department of Economic Statistics, the Department of International Economics and Trade, the Department of Finance, and we have established a Big Data and Statistical Analysis Laboratory and a Business and Financial Engineering Laboratory.As the first batch of Jiangsu statistical science research institutes and the first batch of institutes with excellent teaching records in Digital Humanities, the School of Economics currently has three postgraduate programmes in Applied Economics (First-level Discipline) and Applied Statistics and International Business (Professional Master's Degree); and four undergraduate programmes in economics,economic statistics, international economics and  trade, and financial engineering, totaling about 1,000 postgraduate and undergraduate students. In 2022, students in the Department of Economics and the Department of Economic Statistics will be co-enrolled as economics students. In the first year, they will take general courses, and then professional courses in the second year. The programmes of international and trade, financial engineering, and financial technology recruit students separately. For the programme of financial technology, we set up an innovative experimental class. 

The School of Economics currently has 66 teaching staff, of which 65% are full-time teachers with intermediate and senior titles, and 57% have a doctoral degree; 4 person-times have been selected for the National Talent Projects, and 11 person-times for the provincial 333 Talent Project, Six Talent Peaks Project, and QingLan Project. We have organised a Big Data and Population Flow Research Team, which is credited as an outstanding innovation team in philosophy and social sciences in Jiangsu universities. In recent years, the school has undertaken more than 50 national, provincial, and ministerial scientific research projects and published more than 100 high-level articles in journals including SCI and CSSCI. Our concluding report, titled Research Report on Establishing a Regional Ecological Certification System, won the 15th First-class Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievements in Jiangsu Province. Many decision-making consultation reports have been approved by the leaders of the General Office of the State Council and the Jiangsu Provincial Government and have been adopted by higher-level departments.

The school’s motto is Govern the world and aid the public; keep the words and travel all over the world. Our school-running philosophy is to educate our students to be virtuous and knowledgeable. On the one hand, our training programmes value studies’ interdisciplinary comprehensive quality and professionalism; on the other hand, we encourage students to build and explore their personal interests and cultivate their ability to discover, analyze, and solve crucial economic issues in practice. Our liberal arts education values and develops our own programmes to cultivate students’ ethics and social responsibility, e.g., the Chinese traditional dragon and lion culture course and the one-hundred-hour volunteer service. Our students and 

student organisations won a series of national and provincial rewards and honors,such as the Internet plus competition, statistics and mathematical modeling, market research and analysis,career planning, and other professional competitions; the National Advanced Class Group,the Excellent Team of National Summer Social Practice Activities for College Students,the National Dragon-Lion Classic Championship, the national nomination of Self-strengthening Star, the Top Ten Planning Stars of Jiangsu Province, the championships of the University Art Show, and numerous entrepreneurs in the industry. 

The school attaches great importance to the employment of students. It has established a provincial-level enterprise graduate workstation and 20 trinity bases for professional practice, internship, and employment training. Graduates are  favoured by both industry and academia. The 2022 graduates have overcome the adverse effects of the epidemic, and more than 35% have entered world-class universities at home and abroad to study for postgraduates;or work in world-renowned telecommunications and information technology companies such as China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, Huawei, ZTE, Alibaba, and Tencent; or work in banking, insurance, securities, and  other financial institutions; government departments; and public institutions. Continue to maintain the employment rate of undergraduates above 98%, and the employment rate of postgraduates at 100%.